Sunday, January 23, 2011

To go... or not to go. Is that the question?

Church. (I'll get back to this, promise, promise.)

Over the past couple years, researchers have become more than curious of my beliefs and values. Not mine alone, but those of my generation. Come to find out, there hasn't been an inquiry of this magnitude among human science experts since the 60's (Baby Boomer generation aka my hippie parents). One of the main trends within their findings reveals that like our parents we are a 'counterculture' n. A culture, especially of young people, with values or lifestyles in opposition to those of the established culture.

In the 60's this coupled with a political climate filled with controversy, and of course drugs. Lots... and LOTS... of drugs. In the broad scheme of things, I see my parents' generation as being one whos hearts conflicted with world turmoil in a way they could not deny.

I know... I KNOW. The 60's was just an era of political up-rise that a rebellious generation took complete advantage of by getting lit. There was absolutely nothing meaningful to it. Drrr... Right?

As I change gears, I want you to think about something. Do you always KNOW why you do something? For example, why do I make 'that face' when I put on eyeliner? It DOESN'T aid me in the process. Why do I sometimes blow on my spooned ice cream like it's hot soup? Why do dogs have to walk around in that little circle before they can lay down? How is it that I can drive a whole two hours, arrive in my driveway to realize I was suppose to go to work? I can't even remember a moment of the drive...

My auto pilot terrifies me sometimes.

Creatures of habit we are. Human beings are capable, and even encouraged to live within our warm, squishy, cozy routines. The scary word for this is Hedonism, defined as characteristic of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain (weird, I always thought it had something to do with voodoo dolls). What it means is, we have the tendancy to go with the flow of what's around us...

SO... what was up with the 60's? Is MY generation really a counter culture? and does this maybe have something to do with the our aversion to church?

These three questions alone will cause an UPROAR among culture warriors (and somehow, politics). BUT lucky for me I'm more of an inquirer, not much of a debater.

Going by what I have felt as a (recommitted) church goer, I'd have to say that the cultural view of "Christians"and "Christianity" may correlate with the lack of young people in the church. I believe that the conversations or comments I would overhear growing up, from the mouths of "Christians" who for whatever reason weren't being very "Christlike", had the power to turn me away later in life. A little older now, I know that sometimes people have bad days. Or bad YEARS... and that really when people are being hateful about another group of people, judgmental, or even cynical, in that moment they are not acting out of Christ's love. I truly believe these people need prayer. They are hurting over something, and truly need some agape.

I don't have any answers to these hot topics. In no way am I a social genius, but I do wish that at times of my life I would have been brave enough to not avoid church. I think of all the heartache I could have been saved from, and even the opportunity my true brothers and sisters in Christ could have had to support me, to LOVE me at a time I really needed it the most. (lets be real, I'll ALWAYS need it... praise God.)

Beloved, I believe that when we make Christ the true source of our hearts, people won't be able to deny the love that pours out of us. To say their isn't a NEED to show His love would just be ignorant. But, if you are a Christian, and your reason for not attending church is that you don't approve 100%, or you aren't comfortable I pray that you take a closer look and rethink it. The church wasn't meant to be a 'cultural' reflection of the actions of Christians, but the place where we come together to lick our wounds from battle. Where we find restoration in refocusing ourselves completely on Him. Please, PLEASE don't allow the cynicism to keep you from being part of the body of Christ. He is yours, you are His. I desperately Hope and Pray you find a place to FEEL this, and that your desire for Him grows to outweigh what you have come to know as comfort.

In all His love,


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